Thursday, March 29, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse

For some reason, my AutoCAD decided to keep shutting my computer off while I attempted to put in my RCP. It is waaay too early into crunch time for my computer to start malfunctioning (that usually doesn't happen until rendering time!). It could be that I am working in SketchUp AND AutoCAD continuously, but even then it usually doesn't have a problem. My computer has always been trustworthy and I think I may be taking advantage of said trust.

Cue panic mode.

What I have for you today is I planned where I want my perspectives to be. I am uploading pictures I took with my iPhone... sorry. I know its lazy and all I really did is draw a person's perspective standing in the room of the areas I want to show, but it gives you somewhat of an idea of what you'll be seeing in the near future on project due day (27 DAYS). Sadly, I may start referring it as the zombie apocalypse (referring to the sleepless nights that will turn the design students into zombies).

Here are the areas I am already building up in SketcUp, but may have to reconsider again. You see, I have a total of 13 rooms that I want rendered. That's A LOT. Maybe I'll get it down to 11 rooms?

As you can see, this is the first floor. The rooms I have highlighted for perspectives are: the family library, administration offices (this is a maybe), lobby, group therapy room, nurse's station, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.

The second floor I have: children's play room, art room, parent's corner (this is a maybe, as well), private tutor classroom, and the children's library.

The spaces are all so unique that I have to show a lot, especially since I am using neat custom made ceiling installations and great colors throughout the space. We shall see.

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