Cue panic mode.
What I have for you today is I planned where I want my perspectives to be. I am uploading pictures I took with my iPhone... sorry. I know its lazy and all I really did is draw a person's perspective standing in the room of the areas I want to show, but it gives you somewhat of an idea of what you'll be seeing in the near future on project due day (27 DAYS). Sadly, I may start referring it as the zombie apocalypse (referring to the sleepless nights that will turn the design students into zombies).
Here are the areas I am already building up in SketcUp, but may have to reconsider again. You see, I have a total of 13 rooms that I want rendered. That's A LOT. Maybe I'll get it down to 11 rooms?
As you can see, this is the first floor. The rooms I have highlighted for perspectives are: the family library, administration offices (this is a maybe), lobby, group therapy room, nurse's station, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
The second floor I have: children's play room, art room, parent's corner (this is a maybe, as well), private tutor classroom, and the children's library.
The spaces are all so unique that I have to show a lot, especially since I am using neat custom made ceiling installations and great colors throughout the space. We shall see.