Monday, May 7, 2012

Season Finale

I did it! I survived the turn-in date! And with a successful board and presentation, I might add. This project was so much fun to work on. I cannot be happier with it. Of course with any student project, there are some technical errors, but I overlook those as a parent overlooks bad qualities of their own child. I'm posting the PDF of my final project right here. We had to create a book as well that documents EVERYTHING about this project. Mine was 175 pages full of my own research and work. It. Looks. Great. I can't put them on here because that would just be silly to put all 175 pages on a blog, but if you're ever around me I'd be glad to show it off! Maybe I'll carry it around in my purse for the next oh, I don't know, YEAR? Everyone in my graduating senior class did such a fantastic job. The 4th floor of the design building looks so impressive with all of our projects. They'll never admit it, but I know our department is so proud of us and will miss us terribly when we're gone! ;-)
Here's my final board layout! Mind you, it's bigger than I am and it's posted up on the wall in the hallway in the Design Building. It's 4' x 8' to be exact. I have a tiny materials and furniture selection printed on my actual board, but below it in the hallway is an actual physical materials board which, I think, is impressive just because of its size. I have so many materials chosen for this project.

Thanks for tuning in to the progress of my project! A whole year went by with me working in it and I had so much fun doing so. I appreciate all the positive vibes, affirmations, color quiz completions, etc. I appreciate the late nights in studio I had with my closest friends in the program. I appreciate that one night when a few of my friends who aren't in the program came up to my studio to visit me on a Saturday night while I was working and brought me a Cajun Lemonade Daiquiri. Most importantly, I appreciate the Department of Interior Design at LSU for guiding me throughout my four years of education in this program! Now I'm off to study for my LEED Green Associate accreditation exam......

Thanks again and signing my last blog entry,